Authentication options
Nexi POS App can work standalone but it is possible through an APP2APP interfaces, to integrate payments functionality into third part app, easily and securely.
The integration basically makes it possible to request payment for a specific amount and obtain the result of that payment.
First of all, Developer needs to evaluate authentication methodology, Nexi Pos App provides the following solutions:
User authentication: User must log in Nexi Pos App before starting payment process. For this kind of integration Developer doesn’t need to be registered in Developer Portal.
Cloud authentication (in progress) : Third party App is authenticated online by NEXI Cloud, if APP is authorized by Merchant, a Token is obtained. After this step, Third party App sends request to Payment specifying also token. For this kind of integration Developer need to sign up on Nexi POS configuration.
The type of integration to use depends on Merchant specific needs. If the Merchant needs to make the usage of the Nexi POS app totally transparent to the user, then we recommend Cloud mode. On the other hand, for a simple and fast integration basic authentication is recommend.