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    Boarding API

    The Boarding API enables you, as a Nexi Group partner, to facilitate the onboarding process for new Checkout merchants. This API requires a secret API key with Nexi Group partner privileges. Please note that for testing purposes, we recommend to only use the live-test-key from the LIVE environment.

    The onboarding flow in Checkout Portal, which is mandatory for all new merchants, can be customized with prepopulated values using this API. After you have configured the onboarding application using this API, you can send a URL to the merchant that leads to the customized onboarding flow. Or, you can have Nexi Group automatically send the activation link to the admin user you provide through the API.

    You can track the status changes of the onboarding by using webhooks.

    The code samples contain the test environment's base address. Make sure to replace that base address with the corresponding live environment address.

    Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses.
    Select a language for code samples from the tabs or the mobile navigation menu.

    Create onboarding application

    POST /partner/v1/onboarding

    Creates a new onboarding application. After a new application has been submitted, you can send the returned verification link (URL) to the merchant or have Nexi Group send it automatically. The merchant can then use the link and complete the signup process in Easy Portal by signing the application.


    • Authorizationstringrequired

      The secret API key with Nexi Group partner privileges.

    Create onboarding application

    var client = new RestClient("");
    var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
    request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json");
    request.AddHeader("Authorization", "REPLACE_KEY_VALUE");
    request.AddParameter("application/json", "{\"REPLACE_REQUEST_BODY\":\"REPLACE_REQUEST_BODY\"}", ParameterType.RequestBody);
    IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

    Request body

    • applicationobjectrequired

      The onboarding application for the new merchant.

      • countrystringrequired

        The country where the merchant's company is registered. Possible values are: 'DNK', 'SWE', 'NOR', 'GRL'.

        DNK, SWE, NOR, GRL

      • currencystringrequired

        The currency to be used in the webshop, for example 'SEK'. Additional currencies can be added in Easy Portal if needed.

      • companyobjectrequired
        • organizationNumberstringrequired

          The organization number of the company.

        • vatNumberstringoptional

          The VAT (value-added tax) number of the company.

        • invoiceEmailstringoptional

          An email address to receive invoices.

        • contactPersonobjectoptional
          • firstNamestringoptional

            The first name (also known as given name).

          • lastNamestringoptional

            The last name (also known as surname/family name).

          • phonestringoptional

            The phone number including the country calling code, for example '+46123456'.

          • emailstringoptional

            The email address. Activation emails are sent to this address.

        • companyNamestringoptional

          The name of the company.

        • companyAddressstringoptional

          The company address.

        • zipCodestringoptional

          The zip code.

        • citystringoptional

          The name of the city.

        • referenceDetailsarrayoptional
          • systemstringoptional


          • referenceKeystringoptional


          • referenceValuestringoptional
      • productCodesarrayoptional

        A set of payment options to be supported at the checkout. Possible values are: 'CARD', 'INVOICE', 'SWISH', 'INSTALLMENT', 'VIPPS', 'DANKORT', 'MOBILEPAY', 'PAYPAL'.

      • salesCodestringoptional

        A sales code which determines the list of rates to be used.

      • webshopobjectoptional

        Defines the merchant's webshop.

        • urlstringoptional

          The complete URL (including protocol) for the webshop. For example, ''.

        • namestringoptional

          The name of the webshop.

      • bankAccountobjectoptional
        • ibanstringoptional

          The IBAN (Internaltional Bank Account Number) of the bank account that will receive the payouts from Nexi Group.

        • swiftstringoptional

          The Swift (BIC) code of the bank that holds the account that will receive the payouts from Nexi Group.

      • salesRepPartnerstringoptional

        The full name of the sales representative at the partner company (your company).

      • salesRepDibsstringoptional

        The full name of the sales representative at Nexi Group.

      • quoteobjectoptional
        • documentNostringrequired
        • currencystringrequired
        • signoninteger (int64)required
        • subscriptioninteger (int64)required
        • paymentOptionsarrayrequired
          • itemNostringrequired
          • paymentTypestringrequired


          • paymentMethodsarrayrequired
          • paymentMethodProviderstringrequired

            Teller, Arvato, SwishSwedbank, Dankort, PayPal, RatePay, PPRO

          • optionalbooleanrequired
          • selectedbooleanrequired
          • feesarrayrequired
            • paymentActionTypestringrequired


            • feeTypestringrequired

              AMT, TAMT, QTY, TQTY

            • unitPriceinteger (int64)required
            • priceVATinteger (int64)required
            • itemTypestringrequired

              TRANS, SUB

            • paymentMethodVariant1stringoptional

              DEBIT, CREDIT

            • paymentMethodVariant2stringoptional


            • paymentMethodVariant3stringoptional

              EEA, NON-EEA

      • amlCustomerIntroductionTypeobjectoptional
        • introductionTypestringrequired
      • notificationsobjectoptional

        Notifications allow you to subscribe to status updates for an application.

        • webhooksarrayrequired
          • eventNamestringrequired

            The name of the event you want to subscribe to. See the Onboarding events section for the complete list of events.

            onboarding.initiated, onboarding.awaiting_signature, onboarding.signature_failed, onboarding.processing, onboarding.approved, onboarding.abandoned

          • urlstringrequired

            The callback is sent to this URL. Must be HTTPS to ensure a secure communication. Maximum allowed length of the URL is 256 characters.

          • authorizationstringrequired

            The credentials that will be sent in the HTTP Authorization request header of the callback. Must be between 8 and 32 characters long and contain alphanumeric characters.

    • merchantIdstringoptional
    • adminUserobjectrequired

      Defines a user with administration privileges for the new merchant account.

      • firstNamestringoptional

        The first name (also known as given name).

      • lastNamestringoptional

        The last name (also known as surname/family name).

      • emailstringrequired

        The email address.

      • languagestringoptional

        The interface language to be used in Easy Portal. Possible values are: 'EN_US', 'DA_DK', 'SV_SE', 'NO_NO', 'DE_DE'.

        EN_US, DA_DK, SV_SE, NO_NO, DE_DE

      • sendActivationEmailbooleanoptional

        Determines whether an activation email (with the activation link included) should be sent automatically to the admin user after the onboarding application has been created. Set this property to false if you want to send the activation link to the new merchant yourself.

    Request body

        "application": {
            "country": "SWE",
            "currency": "SEK",
            "company": {
                "organizationNumber": "123456-1234",
                "vatNumber": "SE123456123401",
                "invoiceEmail": "",
                "contactPerson": {
                    "firstName": "John",
                    "lastName": "Doe",
                    "phone": "+46123456",
                    "email": ""
                "companyName": "A Company",
                "companyAddress": "Solgatan 4",
                "zipCode": "12345",
                "city": "Stockholm"
            "productCodes": [
            "salesCode": "string",
            "webshop": {
                "url": "",
                "name": "The Webshop"
            "bankAccount": {
                "iban": "AA00BBBB1111111",
                "swift": "AABBCCDD"
            "salesRepPartner": "Dallas Gray",
            "salesRepDibs": "Charlie Tatum",
            "notifications": {
                "webhooks": [
                        "eventName": "onboarding.initiated",
                        "url": "",
                        "authorization": "SECRET"
        "adminUser": {
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "email": "",
            "language": "EN_US",
            "sendActivationEmail": true


    • 200SUCCESSoptional
      • idinteger (int64)optional

        A numeric identifier of the newly created onboarding application.

      • verificationLinkstringoptional

        A URL which can be used by the new merchant in order to verify and sign the new onboarding application. You can send the returned verification link to the merchant or have Nexi Group send it automatically by using the property sendActivationEmail or the method Resend activation code.

      • merchantIdstringoptional

        The identifier of the new merchant.

    • 400Bad Requestoptional
    • 401Unauthorizedoptional
    • 500Unexpected Erroroptional
      • messagestringoptional

        An internal error message. This message is not meant to be presented to end users. Instead, this message can be logged and used for debugging purposes.

      • codestringoptional

        A numeric error code to be used for debugging purposes.

      • sourcestringoptional

        The source of the error, for example: 'internal'.

        "id": 28625,
        "verificationLink": "",
        "merchantId": "1064fa1e9cc44029ae0480e107cbd32b"

    Update onboarding application

    POST /partner/v1/onboarding/{id}

    Updates the specified onboarding application.


    • Authorizationstringrequired

      The secret API key with Nexi Group partner privileges.

    • idstringrequired

      The identifier of the onboarding application.

    Update onboarding application

    var client = new RestClient("{id}");
    var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
    request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json");
    request.AddHeader("Authorization", "REPLACE_KEY_VALUE");
    request.AddParameter("application/json", "{\"REPLACE_REQUEST_BODY\":\"REPLACE_REQUEST_BODY\"}", ParameterType.RequestBody);
    IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

    Request body

    • applicationobjectrequired

      The onboarding application for the new merchant.

      • countrystringrequired

        The country where the merchant's company is registered. Possible values are: 'DNK', 'SWE', 'NOR', 'GRL'.

        DNK, SWE, NOR, GRL

      • currencystringrequired

        The currency to be used in the webshop, for example 'SEK'. Additional currencies can be added in Easy Portal if needed.

      • companyobjectrequired
        • organizationNumberstringrequired

          The organization number of the company.

        • vatNumberstringoptional

          The VAT (value-added tax) number of the company.

        • invoiceEmailstringoptional

          An email address to receive invoices.

        • contactPersonobjectoptional
          • firstNamestringoptional

            The first name (also known as given name).

          • lastNamestringoptional

            The last name (also known as surname/family name).

          • phonestringoptional

            The phone number including the country calling code, for example '+46123456'.

          • emailstringoptional

            The email address. Activation emails are sent to this address.

        • companyNamestringoptional

          The name of the company.

        • companyAddressstringoptional

          The company address.

        • zipCodestringoptional

          The zip code.

        • citystringoptional

          The name of the city.

        • referenceDetailsarrayoptional
          • systemstringoptional


          • referenceKeystringoptional


          • referenceValuestringoptional
      • productCodesarrayoptional

        A set of payment options to be supported at the checkout. Possible values are: 'CARD', 'INVOICE', 'SWISH', 'INSTALLMENT', 'VIPPS', 'DANKORT', 'MOBILEPAY', 'PAYPAL'.

      • salesCodestringoptional

        A sales code which determines the list of rates to be used.

      • webshopobjectoptional

        Defines the merchant's webshop.

        • urlstringoptional

          The complete URL (including protocol) for the webshop. For example, ''.

        • namestringoptional

          The name of the webshop.

      • bankAccountobjectoptional
        • ibanstringoptional

          The IBAN (Internaltional Bank Account Number) of the bank account that will receive the payouts from Nexi Group.

        • swiftstringoptional

          The Swift (BIC) code of the bank that holds the account that will receive the payouts from Nexi Group.

      • salesRepPartnerstringoptional

        The full name of the sales representative at the partner company (your company).

      • salesRepDibsstringoptional

        The full name of the sales representative at Nexi Group.

      • quoteobjectoptional
        • documentNostringrequired
        • currencystringrequired
        • signoninteger (int64)required
        • subscriptioninteger (int64)required
        • paymentOptionsarrayrequired
          • itemNostringrequired
          • paymentTypestringrequired


          • paymentMethodsarrayrequired
          • paymentMethodProviderstringrequired

            Teller, Arvato, SwishSwedbank, Dankort, PayPal, RatePay, PPRO

          • optionalbooleanrequired
          • selectedbooleanrequired
          • feesarrayrequired
            • paymentActionTypestringrequired


            • feeTypestringrequired

              AMT, TAMT, QTY, TQTY

            • unitPriceinteger (int64)required
            • priceVATinteger (int64)required
            • itemTypestringrequired

              TRANS, SUB

            • paymentMethodVariant1stringoptional

              DEBIT, CREDIT

            • paymentMethodVariant2stringoptional


            • paymentMethodVariant3stringoptional

              EEA, NON-EEA

      • amlCustomerIntroductionTypeobjectoptional
        • introductionTypestringrequired
      • notificationsobjectoptional

        Notifications allow you to subscribe to status updates for an application.

        • webhooksarrayrequired
          • eventNamestringrequired

            The name of the event you want to subscribe to. See the Onboarding events section for the complete list of events.

            onboarding.initiated, onboarding.awaiting_signature, onboarding.signature_failed, onboarding.processing, onboarding.approved, onboarding.abandoned

          • urlstringrequired

            The callback is sent to this URL. Must be HTTPS to ensure a secure communication. Maximum allowed length of the URL is 256 characters.

          • authorizationstringrequired

            The credentials that will be sent in the HTTP Authorization request header of the callback. Must be between 8 and 32 characters long and contain alphanumeric characters.

    Request body

        "application": {
            "country": "SWE",
            "currency": "SEK",
            "company": {
                "organizationNumber": "123456-1234",
                "vatNumber": "SE123456123401",
                "invoiceEmail": "",
                "contactPerson": {
                    "firstName": "John",
                    "lastName": "Doe",
                    "phone": "+46123456",
                    "email": ""
                "companyName": "A Company",
                "companyAddress": "Solgatan 4",
                "zipCode": "12345",
                "city": "Stockholm"
            "productCodes": [
            "salesCode": "string",
            "webshop": {
                "url": "",
                "name": "The Webshop"
            "bankAccount": {
                "iban": "AA00BBBB1111111",
                "swift": "AABBCCDD"
            "salesRepPartner": "Dallas Gray",
            "salesRepDibs": "Charlie Tatum",
            "notifications": {
                "webhooks": [
                        "eventName": "onboarding.initiated",
                        "url": "",
                        "authorization": "SECRET"


    • 200SUCCESSoptional
    • 400Bad Requestoptional
    • 401Unauthorizedoptional
    • 404Resource Not Foundoptional
    • 500Unexpected Erroroptional
      • messagestringoptional

        An internal error message. This message is not meant to be presented to end users. Instead, this message can be logged and used for debugging purposes.

      • codestringoptional

        A numeric error code to be used for debugging purposes.

      • sourcestringoptional

        The source of the error, for example: 'internal'.


        "message": "string",
        "code": "string",
        "source": "string"

    Retrieve application details

    GET /partner/v1/onboarding/{id}

    Retrieves the details of an existing onboarding application. The id is obtained from the API when creating an application.


    • Authorizationstringrequired

      The secret API key with Nexi Group partner privileges.

    • idstringrequired

      The identifier of the onboarding application.

    Retrieve application details

    var client = new RestClient("{id}");
    var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
    request.AddHeader("Authorization", "REPLACE_KEY_VALUE");
    IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);


    • 200SUCCESSoptional
      • applicationobjectoptional

        The onboarding application for the new merchant.

        • countrystringrequired

          The country where the merchant's company is registered. Possible values are: 'DNK', 'SWE', 'NOR', 'GRL'.

          DNK, SWE, NOR, GRL

        • currencystringrequired

          The currency to be used in the webshop, for example 'SEK'. Additional currencies can be added in Easy Portal if needed.

        • companyobjectrequired
          • organizationNumberstringrequired

            The organization number of the company.

          • vatNumberstringoptional

            The VAT (value-added tax) number of the company.

          • invoiceEmailstringoptional

            An email address to receive invoices.

          • contactPersonobjectoptional
            • firstNamestringoptional

              The first name (also known as given name).

            • lastNamestringoptional

              The last name (also known as surname/family name).

            • phonestringoptional

              The phone number including the country calling code, for example '+46123456'.

            • emailstringoptional

              The email address. Activation emails are sent to this address.

          • companyNamestringoptional

            The name of the company.

          • companyAddressstringoptional

            The company address.

          • zipCodestringoptional

            The zip code.

          • citystringoptional

            The name of the city.

          • referenceDetailsarrayoptional
            • systemstringoptional


            • referenceKeystringoptional


            • referenceValuestringoptional
        • productCodesarrayoptional

          A set of payment options to be supported at the checkout. Possible values are: 'CARD', 'INVOICE', 'SWISH', 'INSTALLMENT', 'VIPPS', 'DANKORT', 'MOBILEPAY', 'PAYPAL'.

        • salesCodestringoptional

          A sales code which determines the list of rates to be used.

        • webshopobjectoptional

          Defines the merchant's webshop.

          • urlstringoptional

            The complete URL (including protocol) for the webshop. For example, ''.

          • namestringoptional

            The name of the webshop.

        • bankAccountobjectoptional
          • ibanstringoptional

            The IBAN (Internaltional Bank Account Number) of the bank account that will receive the payouts from Nexi Group.

          • swiftstringoptional

            The Swift (BIC) code of the bank that holds the account that will receive the payouts from Nexi Group.

        • salesRepPartnerstringoptional

          The full name of the sales representative at the partner company (your company).

        • salesRepDibsstringoptional

          The full name of the sales representative at Nexi Group.

        • quoteobjectoptional
          • documentNostringrequired
          • currencystringrequired
          • signoninteger (int64)required
          • subscriptioninteger (int64)required
          • paymentOptionsarrayrequired
            • itemNostringrequired
            • paymentTypestringrequired


            • paymentMethodsarrayrequired
            • paymentMethodProviderstringrequired

              Teller, Arvato, SwishSwedbank, Dankort, PayPal, RatePay, PPRO

            • optionalbooleanrequired
            • selectedbooleanrequired
            • feesarrayrequired
              • paymentActionTypestringrequired


              • feeTypestringrequired

                AMT, TAMT, QTY, TQTY

              • unitPriceinteger (int64)required
              • priceVATinteger (int64)required
              • itemTypestringrequired

                TRANS, SUB

              • paymentMethodVariant1stringoptional

                DEBIT, CREDIT

              • paymentMethodVariant2stringoptional

                CONSUMER, CORPORATE

              • paymentMethodVariant3stringoptional

                EEA, NON-EEA

        • amlCustomerIntroductionTypeobjectoptional
          • introductionTypestringrequired
        • notificationsobjectoptional

          Notifications allow you to subscribe to status updates for an application.

          • webhooksarrayrequired
            • eventNamestringrequired

              The name of the event you want to subscribe to. See the Onboarding events section for the complete list of events.

              onboarding.initiated, onboarding.awaiting_signature, onboarding.signature_failed, onboarding.processing, onboarding.approved, onboarding.abandoned

            • urlstringrequired

              The callback is sent to this URL. Must be HTTPS to ensure a secure communication. Maximum allowed length of the URL is 256 characters.

            • authorizationstringrequired

              The credentials that will be sent in the HTTP Authorization request header of the callback. Must be between 8 and 32 characters long and contain alphanumeric characters.

      • statusstringoptional

        The current status of the onboarding process. Possible values are: 'INITIATED', 'AWAITING_SIGNATURE', 'SIGNATURE_FAILED', 'PROCESSING', 'APPROVED', 'ABANDONED'.


      • partnerIdstringoptional

        The partner identifier.

      • merchantNumberinteger (int64)optional

        The merchant nummber.

    • 401Unauthorizedoptional
    • 404Resource Not Foundoptional
    • 500Unexpected Erroroptional
      • messagestringoptional

        An internal error message. This message is not meant to be presented to end users. Instead, this message can be logged and used for debugging purposes.

      • codestringoptional

        A numeric error code to be used for debugging purposes.

      • sourcestringoptional

        The source of the error, for example: 'internal'.

        "application": {
            "country": "SWE",
            "currency": "SEK",
            "company": {
                "organizationNumber": "123456-1234",
                "vatNumber": "SE123456123401",
                "invoiceEmail": "",
                "contactPerson": {
                    "firstName": "John",
                    "lastName": "Doe",
                    "phone": "+46123456",
                    "email": ""
                "companyName": "A Company",
                "companyAddress": "Solgatan 4",
                "zipCode": "12345",
                "city": "Stockholm"
            "productCodes": [
            "salesCode": "string",
            "webshop": {
                "url": "",
                "name": "The Webshop"
            "bankAccount": {
                "iban": "AA00BBBB1111111",
                "swift": "AABBCCDD"
            "salesRepPartner": "Dallas Gray",
            "salesRepDibs": "Charlie Tatum",
            "notifications": {
                "webhooks": [
                        "eventName": "onboarding.initiated",
                        "url": "",
                        "authorization": "SECRET"

    Resend activation code

    POST /partner/v1/onboarding/{id}/resendActivation

    Sends an activation code to the admin user associated with the specified onboarding application.


    • Authorizationstringrequired

      The secret API key with Nexi Group partner privileges.

    • idstringrequired

      The identifier of the onboarding application.

    Resend activation code

    var client = new RestClient("{id}/resendActivation");
    var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
    request.AddHeader("Authorization", "REPLACE_KEY_VALUE");
    IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);


    • 200SUCCESSoptional
      • codestringoptional

        A status code. Possible values are: 'EMAIL_SENT', 'USER_ACTIVE', 'NOT_FOUND', 'AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED'


      • messagestringoptional

        A human readable message describing the status of the activation email.

    • 401Unauthorizedoptional
    • 404Resource Not Foundoptional
    • 500Unexpected Erroroptional
      • messagestringoptional

        An internal error message. This message is not meant to be presented to end users. Instead, this message can be logged and used for debugging purposes.

      • codestringoptional

        A numeric error code to be used for debugging purposes.

      • sourcestringoptional

        The source of the error, for example: 'internal'.

        "code": "EMAIL_SENT",
        "message": "Some message."

    Generate test merchant

    POST /partner/v1/onboarding/testaccount


    • Authorizationstringrequired

      The secret API key with Nexi Group partner privileges.

    Generate test merchant

    var client = new RestClient("");
    var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
    request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json");
    request.AddHeader("Authorization", "REPLACE_KEY_VALUE");
    request.AddParameter("application/json", "{\"REPLACE_REQUEST_BODY\":\"REPLACE_REQUEST_BODY\"}", ParameterType.RequestBody);
    IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

    Request body

    • generateUserobjectoptional
      • firstNamestringoptional
      • lastNamestringoptional
      • emailstringrequired
      • languagestringoptional

        EN_US, DA_DK, SV_SE, NO_NO, DE_DE

      • sendActivationEmailbooleanoptional
      • phoneNumberstringrequired

    Request body

        "generateUser": {
            "firstName": "string",
            "lastName": "string",
            "email": "string",
            "language": "EN_US",
            "sendActivationEmail": true,
            "phoneNumber": "string"


    • 200SUCCESSoptional
      • codestringoptional

        A status code. Possible values are: 'EMAIL_SENT', 'USER_ACTIVE', 'NOT_FOUND', 'AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED'


      • messagestringoptional

        A human readable message describing the status of the activation email.

    • 400Bad Requestoptional
    • 401Unauthorizedoptional
    • 500Unexpected Erroroptional
          "code": "EMAIL_SENT",
          "message": "string"