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    Webhooks (or HTTP callbacks) allow you to subscribe to different events that affect a payment and to be notified directly when these events happen. When an event occurs in Checkout, for example, a charge is made or a payment is refunded, this event can be sent along with the associated data.

    In order to receive notification, you first need to subscribe to the events you want to track.

    Webhooks related to payments are configured per payment and can be specified in the request body of the following methods:

    Webhooks related to onboardings are configured per onboarding application and can be specified in the request body of the following methods:

    Checkout sends the event as a POST request to the URL you specify. The URL need to be a secure (HTTPS) endpoint.

    Expected Response

    To acknowledge the webhook sent from Checkout, a 200 HTTP status code is required. Any other status code, even other 2XX codes, will be treated as an unsuccessful attempt. The response cannot take more than 10 seconds, otherwise it will be counted as an unsuccessful attempt.

    If the webhook was not successfully posted to you, it will fall under the Retry mechanism described below.

    At-Least-Once Delivery

    One of the core tenets of webhooks is the concept of at-least-once delivery. This approach ensures that messages are always delivered. It also means that messages can be received more than once, even repeatedly and out of order. For this reason, it's important that the webhook receiver supports the idempotent consumer pattern.

    Working under the assumption of at-least-once delivery, especially within the context of an event-driven architecture, is a responsible approach for reliably processing events. Your function must be idempotent so that the outcome of processing the same event multiple times is the same as processing it once.


    An application that communicates with distributed elements has to be sensitive to the transient faults that can occur in this environment. Faults include the momentary loss of network connectivity to components and services, the temporary unavailability of a service, or timeouts that occur when a service is busy.

    If the fault is caused by one of the more commonplace connectivity or busy failures, the network or service might need a short period while the connectivity issues are corrected or the backlog of work is cleared. In this case, we will retry for a maximum of 10 times with the following delay intervals: 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 120, 250 minutes.

    If your site still has not responded successfully after this period, the webhook will not be attempted any more.

    Circuit Breaker

    In a distributed environment, calls to remote resources and services can fail due to transient faults, such as slow network connections, timeouts, or the resources being overcommitted or temporarily unavailable. These faults typically correct themselves after a short period of time and are handled by a Retry routine.

    However, there can also be situations where faults are due to unanticipated events, and that might take much longer to fix. In these situations, it might be pointless for an application to continually retry an operation that is unlikely to succeed. Instead, the application should quickly accept that the operation has failed and handle this failure accordingly.

    We will stop sending notifications once more than 20% of webhooks sent to a given endpoint fail within a 30-second timespan. We will then start probing after another 30 seconds to see if the endpoint is healthy again. All not sent notifications during the period when the circuit is open are subject to the Retry routine.

    Payment events

    The following table lists all payment events that can be subscribed to using the Payment API:

    Event nameDescription
    payment.createdA payment has been created.
    payment.reservation.createdThe amount of the payment has been reserved.
    payment.reservation.created.v2The amount of the payment has been reserved.
    payment.reservation.failedA reservation attempt has failed.
    payment.checkout.completedThe customer has completed the checkout.
    payment.charge.created.v2The customer has successfully been charged, partially or fully.
    payment.charge.failedA charge attempt has failed.
    payment.refund.initiated.v2A refund has been initiated.
    payment.refund.failedA refund attempt has failed.
    payment.refund.completedA refund has successfully been completed.
    payment.cancel.createdA reservation has been canceled.
    payment.cancel.failedA cancellation has failed.


    The payment.created event is triggered when a new payment is created. This happens when the customer hits the "Pay" button on the checkout page.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdintegerrequired

      The merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case payment.created.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier.

      • orderobjectrequired

        The complete order associated with the payment.

        • amountobjectrequired

          The amount of the charge.

          • amountinteger (int32)required

            The amount, for example 10000.

          • currencystringrequired

            The currency, for example 'SEK'.

        • referencestringrequired

          A reference to recognize this order. Usually a number sequence (order number).

        • orderItemsarrayrequired

          The list of order items that are associated with the failed charge. Contains at least one order item.

          • referencestringrequired

            A reference to recognize the product, usually the SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product. For convenience in the case of refunds or modifications of placed orders, the reference should be unique for each variation of a product item (size, color, etc.)

          • namestringrequired

            The name of the product.

          • quantitynumber (double)required

            The quantity of the product.

          • unitstringrequired

            The defined unit of measurement for the product, for example pcs, liters, or kg.

          • unitPriceinteger (int32)required

            The price per unit excluding VAT.

          • taxRateinteger (int32)optional

            The tax rate. Defaults to 0 if not provided.

          • taxAmountinteger (int32)optional

            The tax/VAT amount. Defaults to 0 if not provided. taxAmount should include the total tax amount for the entire order item.

          • grossTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

            The total amount including VAT (netTotalAmount + taxAmount).

          • netTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

            The total amount excluding VAT (unitPrice * quantity).



        "id": "458a4e068f454f768a40b9e576914820",
        "merchantId": 100017120,
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:08:16.6623+02:00",
        "event": "payment.created",
        "data": {
            "order": {
                "amount": {
                    "amount": 5500,
                    "currency": "SEK"
                "reference": "42369",
                "orderItems": [
                        "reference": "Sneaky NE2816-82",
                        "name": "Sneaky",
                        "quantity": 2,
                        "unit": "pcs",
                        "unitPrice": 2500,
                        "taxRate": 1000,
                        "taxAmount": 500,
                        "netTotalAmount": 5000,
                        "grossTotalAmount": 5500
            "paymentId": "02a900006091a9a96937598058c4e474"

    Reservation created

    Please note that there are two versions of the payment.reservation.created. The payment.reservation.created.v2 is triggered when the amount of the payment has been reserved.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdintegerrequired

      The merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case payment.reservation.created.v2.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier.

      • orderobjectrequired

        The complete order associated with the payment.

        • amountobjectrequired

          The amount of the charge.

          • amountinteger (int32)required

            The amount, for example 10000.

          • currencystringrequired

            The currency, for example 'SEK'.

        • referencestringrequired

          A reference to recognize this order. Usually a number sequence (order number).

        • orderItemsarrayrequired

          The list of order items that are associated with the failed charge. Contains at least one order item.

          • referencestringrequired

            A reference to recognize the product, usually the SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product. For convenience in the case of refunds or modifications of placed orders, the reference should be unique for each variation of a product item (size, color, etc.)

          • namestringrequired

            The name of the product.

          • quantitynumber (double)required

            The quantity of the product.

          • unitstringrequired

            The defined unit of measurement for the product, for example pcs, liters, or kg.

          • unitPriceinteger (int32)required

            The price per unit excluding VAT.

          • taxRateinteger (int32)optional

            The tax rate. Defaults to 0 if not provided.

          • taxAmountinteger (int32)optional

            The tax/VAT amount. Defaults to 0 if not provided. taxAmount should include the total tax amount for the entire order item.

          • grossTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

            The total amount including VAT (netTotalAmount + taxAmount).

          • netTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

            The total amount excluding VAT (unitPrice * quantity).



        "id": "6f081ae39b9846c4bacff88fa2cecc98",
        "merchantId": 100001234,
        "timestamp": "2022-09-21T09:50:05.9440+00:00",
        "event": "payment.reservation.created",
        "data": {
            "cardDetails": {
                "creditDebitIndicator": "D",
                "expiryMonth": 1,
                "expiryYear": 24,
                "issuerCountry": "NO",
                "truncatedPan": "492500******0004",
                "threeDSecure": {
                    "authenticationEnrollmentStatus": "Y",
                    "authenticationStatus": "Y",
                    "eci": "05"
            "paymentMethod": "Visa",
            "paymentType": "CARD",
            "consumer": {
                "ip": ""
            "reservationReference": "683884",
            "reserveId": "6f081ae39b9846c4bacff88fa2cecc98",
            "amount": {
                "amount": 1000,
                "currency": "SEK"
            "paymentId": "01d40000632ade184172b85d8cc3f516"

    Example v2


        "id": "c25459e92ba54be1925493f987fb05a7",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:09:08.4342+02:00",
        "merchantNumber": 100017120,
        "event": "payment.reservation.created.v2",
        "data": {
            "paymentMethod": "Visa",
            "paymentType": "CARD",
            "amount": {
                "amount": 5500,
                "currency": "SEK"
            "paymentId": "02a900006091a9a96937598058c4e474"

    Reservation failed

    The payment.reservation.failed event is triggered when a reservation fails. The main use case are bulk charge subscriptions. Another use case could be to get informed about failed subscription or unscheduled charge attempts.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdintegerrequired

      The merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case payment.created.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier.

      • amountobjectoptional

        The amount of the charge.

        • amountinteger (int32)required

          The amount, for example 10000.

        • currencystringrequired

          The currency, for example 'SEK'.

    • orderItemsarrayoptional

      The list of order items that are associated with the failed reservation and charge. Contains at least one order item.

      • referencestringoptional

        A reference to recognize the product, usually the SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product. For convenience in the case of refunds or modifications of placed orders, the reference should be unique for each variation of a product item (size, color, etc.)

      • namestringoptional

        The name of the product.

      • quantitynumber (double)optional

        The quantity of the product.

      • unitstringoptional

        The defined unit of measurement for the product, for example pcs, liters, or kg.

      • unitPriceinteger (int32)optional

        The price per unit excluding VAT.

      • taxRateinteger (int32)optional

        The tax rate. Defaults to 0 if not provided.

      • taxAmountinteger (int32)optional

        The tax/VAT amount. Defaults to 0 if not provided. taxAmount should include the total tax amount for the entire order item.

      • grossTotalAmountinteger (int32)optional

        The total amount including VAT (netTotalAmount + taxAmount).

      • netTotalAmountinteger (int32)optional

        The total amount excluding VAT (unitPrice * quantity).



      "id": "ef0f698086ac4e7493439ab4290695da",
      "merchantId": 100008172,
      "timestamp": "2022-06-30T10:54:07.7765+02:00",
      "event": "payment.reservation.failed",
      "data": {
        "error": {
          "code": "33",
          "message": "Direct charge failed for payment id: 020b000062bd64ae0a5e7c95f6055f66. ErrorMessage: Refused by issuer",
          "source": "Issuer"
        "orderItems": [
            "grossTotalAmount": 133,
            "name": "NameBulkCharge1",
            "netTotalAmount": 133,
            "quantity": 1,
            "reference": "bulk123",
            "taxRate": 0,
            "taxAmount": 0,
            "unit": "quantity",
            "unitPrice": 133
        "amount": {
          "amount": 133,
          "currency": "DKK"
        "paymentId": "020b000062bd64ae0a5e7c95f6055f66"

    Checkout completed

    The payment.checkout.completed event is triggered when the customer has completed the checkout.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdintegerrequired

      The merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case payment.checkout.completed.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier.

      • orderobjectrequired

        Specifies the order associated with the payment.

        • amountobjectrequired

          The total amount of the order including VAT, if any.

          • amountinteger (int32)required

            The total amount of the order, for examlpe 10000.

          • currencystringrequired

            The currency of the payment, for example 'SEK'.

        • referencestringrequired

          A reference to recognize this order. Usually a number sequence (order number).

        • orderItemsarrayrequired

          An array of order items. Contains at least one item.

          • referencestringrequired

            A reference to recognize the product, usually the SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product. For convenience in the case of refunds or modifications of placed orders, the reference should be unique for each variation of a product item (size, color, etc.)

          • namestringrequired

            The name of the product.

          • quantitynumber (double)required

            The quantity of the product.

          • unitstringrequired

            The defined unit of measurement for the product, for example pcs, liters, or kg.

          • unitPriceinteger (int32)required

            The price per unit excluding VAT.

          • taxRateinteger (int32)optional

            The tax rate. Defaults to 0 if not provided.

          • taxAmountinteger (int32)optional

            The tax/VAT amount. Defaults to 0 if not provided. taxAmount should include the total tax amount for the entire order item.

          • grossTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

            The total amount including VAT (netTotalAmount + taxAmount).

          • netTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

            The total amount excluding VAT (unitPrice * quantity).



        "id": "36ce3ff4a896450ea2b70f3263554772",
        "merchantId": 100017120,
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:09:08.4342+02:00",
        "event": "payment.checkout.completed",
        "data": {
            "order": {
                "amount": {
                    "amount": 5500,
                    "currency": "SEK"
                "reference": "Hosted Demo Order",
                "orderItems": [
                        "reference": "Sneaky NE2816-82",
                        "name": "Sneaky",
                        "quantity": 2,
                        "unit": "pcs",
                        "unitPrice": 2500,
                        "taxRate": 1000,
                        "taxAmount": 500,
                        "netTotalAmount": 5000,
                        "grossTotalAmount": 5500
            "consumer": {
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "billingAddress": {
                    "addressLine1": "Solgatan 4",
                    "addressLine2": "",
                    "city": "STOCKHOLM",
                    "country": "SWE",
                    "postcode": "11522",
                    "receiverLine": "John doe"
                "country": "SWE",
                "email": "",
                "ip": "",
                "phoneNumber": {
                    "prefix": "+46",
                    "number": "12345678"
                "shippingAddress": {
                    "addressLine1": "Solgatan 4",
                    "addressLine2": "",
                    "city": "STOCKHOLM",
                    "country": "SWE",
                    "postcode": "11522",
                    "receiverLine": "John Doe"
            "paymentId": "02a900006091a9a96937598058c4e474"

    Cancel created

    The payment.cancel.created event is triggered when a reservation has been canceled.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdintegerrequired

      The merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case payment.cancel.created.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier.

      • cancelIdstringrequired
      • orderItemsarrayrequired

        The list of order items that are associated with the canceled payment. Contains at least one order item.

        • referencestringrequired

          A reference to recognize the product, usually the SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product. For convenience in the case of refunds or modifications of placed orders, the reference should be unique for each variation of a product item (size, color, etc.)

        • namestringrequired

          The name of the product.

        • quantitynumber (double)required

          The quantity of the product.

        • unitstringrequired

          The defined unit of measurement for the product, for example pcs, liters, or kg.

        • unitPriceinteger (int32)required

          The price per unit excluding VAT.

        • taxRateinteger (int32)optional

          The tax rate. Defaults to 0 if not provided.

        • taxAmountinteger (int32)optional

          The tax/VAT amount. Defaults to 0 if not provided. taxAmount should include the total tax amount for the entire order item.

        • grossTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

          The total amount including VAT (netTotalAmount + taxAmount).

        • netTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

          The total amount excluding VAT (unitPrice * quantity).

      • amountobjectrequired

        The amount of the charge.

        • amountinteger (int32)required

          The amount, for example 10000.

        • currencystringrequired

          The currency, for example 'SEK'.



        "id": "df7f9346097842bdb90c869b5c9ccfa9",
        "merchantId": 100017120,
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:33:33.5969+02:00",
        "event": "payment.cancel.created",
        "data": {
            "cancelId": "df7f9346097842bdb90c869b5c9ccfa9",
            "orderItems": [
                    "reference": "Sneaky NE2816-82",
                    "name": "Sneaky",
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "unit": "pcs",
                    "unitPrice": 2500,
                    "taxRate": 1000,
                    "taxAmount": 500,
                    "netTotalAmount": 5000,
                    "grossTotalAmount": 5500
            "amount": {
                "amount": 5500,
                "currency": "SEK"
            "paymentId": "006400006091abfe6937598058c4e47e"

    Cancel failed

    The payment.cancel.failed event is triggered when a cancellation of a reservation has failed.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdintegerrequired

      The merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case payment.cancel.failed.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier.

      • errorobjectrequired

        Contains information about an error (client error or server error).

        • messagestringoptional

          An internal error message. This message is not meant to be presented to the customer. Instead, this message can be logged and used for debugging purposes.

        • codestringoptional

          A numeric error code to be used for debugging purposes.

        • sourcestringoptional

          The source of the error, for example: 'internal'.

      • cancelIdstringrequired
      • orderItemsarrayrequired

        The list of order items that are associated with the failed charge. Contains at least one order item.

        • referencestringrequired

          A reference to recognize the product, usually the SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product. For convenience in the case of refunds or modifications of placed orders, the reference should be unique for each variation of a product item (size, color, etc.)

        • namestringrequired

          The name of the product.

        • quantitynumber (double)required

          The quantity of the product.

        • unitstringrequired

          The defined unit of measurement for the product, for example pcs, liters, or kg.

        • unitPriceinteger (int32)required

          The price per unit excluding VAT.

        • taxRateinteger (int32)optional

          The tax rate. Defaults to 0 if not provided.

        • taxAmountinteger (int32)optional

          The tax/VAT amount. Defaults to 0 if not provided. taxAmount should include the total tax amount for the entire order item.

        • grossTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

          The total amount including VAT (netTotalAmount + taxAmount).

        • netTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

          The total amount excluding VAT (unitPrice * quantity).

      • amountobjectrequired

        The amount of the charge.

        • amountinteger (int32)required

          The amount, for example 10000.

        • currencystringrequired

          The currency, for example 'SEK'.



        "id": "df7f9346097842bdb90c869b5c9ccfa9",
        "merchantId": 100017120,
        "timestamp": "2021-05-06T11:37:30.1114+02:00",
        "event": "payment.cancel.failed",
        "data": {
            "error": {
                "code": "25",
                "message": "Trans not found",
                "source": "Internal"
            "cancelId": "df7f9346097842bdb90c869b5c9ccfa9",
            "orderItems": [
                    "reference": "Sneaky NE2816-82",
                    "name": "Sneaky",
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "unit": "pcs",
                    "unitPrice": 2500,
                    "taxRate": 1000,
                    "taxAmount": 500,
                    "netTotalAmount": 5000,
                    "grossTotalAmount": 5500
            "amount": {
                "amount": 5500,
                "currency": "SEK"
            "paymentId": "023a00005ea744ed368812223c86c299"

    Charge created

    The payment.charge.created.v2 event is triggered when the customer has successfully been charged, partially or fully. A use case can be to get notified for successful subscription or unscheduled charges.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantNumberintegerrequired

      The merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case payment.charge.created.v2.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier.

      • subscriptionIdstringoptional

        The subscription identifier.

      • chargeIdstringrequired

        The charge identifier.

      • orderItemsarrayrequired

        The list of order items that are associated with the charge. Contains at least one order item.

        • referencestringrequired

          A reference to recognize the product, usually the SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product. For convenience in the case of refunds or modifications of placed orders, the reference should be unique for each variation of a product item (size, color, etc.)

        • namestringrequired

          The name of the product.

        • quantitynumber (double)required

          The quantity of the product.

        • unitstringrequired

          The defined unit of measurement for the product, for example pcs, liters, or kg.

        • unitPriceinteger (int32)required

          The price per unit excluding VAT.

        • taxRateinteger (int32)optional

          The tax rate. Defaults to 0 if not provided.

        • taxAmountinteger (int32)optional

          The tax/VAT amount. Defaults to 0 if not provided. taxAmount should include the total tax amount for the entire order item.

        • grossTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

          The total amount including VAT (netTotalAmount + taxAmount).

        • netTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

          The total amount excluding VAT (unitPrice * quantity).

      • paymentMethodstringrequired

        The payment method, for example 'Visa' or 'Mastercard'.

      • paymentTypestringrequired

        The type of payment. Possible values are: 'CARD', 'INVOICE', 'A2A', 'INSTALLMENT', 'WALLET', and 'PREPAID-INVOICE'.

      • amountobjectrequired

        The amount of the charge.

        • amountinteger (int32)required

          The amount, for example 10000.

        • currencystringrequired

          The currency, for example 'SEK'.



        "id": "01ee00006091b2196937598058c4e488",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:44:10.1185+02:00",
        "merchantNumber": 100017120,
        "event": "payment.charge.created.v2",
        "data": {
            "chargeId": "01ee00006091b2196937598058c4e488",
            "orderItems": [
                    "reference": "Sneaky NE2816-82",
                    "name": "Sneaky",
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "unit": "pcs",
                    "unitPrice": 2500,
                    "taxRate": 1000,
                    "taxAmount": 500,
                    "netTotalAmount": 5000,
                    "grossTotalAmount": 5500
            "paymentMethod": "Visa",
            "paymentType": "CARD",
            "amount": {
                "amount": 5500,
                "currency": "SEK"
            "paymentId": "025400006091b1ef6937598058c4e487"

    Charge failed

    The payment.charge.failed event is triggered when a charge attempt has failed.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdintegerrequired

      The merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case payment.charge.failed.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier.

      • errorobjectrequired

        Contains information about an error (client error or server error).

        • messagestringoptional

          An internal error message. This message is not meant to be presented to the customer. Instead, this message can be logged and used for debugging purposes.

        • codestringoptional

          A numeric error code to be used for debugging purposes.

        • sourcestringoptional

          The source of the error, for example: 'internal'.

      • chargeIdstringrequired

        The charge identifier.

      • orderItemsarrayrequired

        The list of order items that are associated with the failed charge. Contains at least one order item.

        • referencestringrequired

          A reference to recognize the product, usually the SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product. For convenience in the case of refunds or modifications of placed orders, the reference should be unique for each variation of a product item (size, color, etc.)

        • namestringrequired

          The name of the product.

        • quantitynumber (double)required

          The quantity of the product.

        • unitstringrequired

          The defined unit of measurement for the product, for example pcs, liters, or kg.

        • unitPriceinteger (int32)required

          The price per unit excluding VAT.

        • taxRateinteger (int32)optional

          The tax rate. Defaults to 0 if not provided.

        • taxAmountinteger (int32)optional

          The tax/VAT amount. Defaults to 0 if not provided. taxAmount should include the total tax amount for the entire order item.

        • grossTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

          The total amount including VAT (netTotalAmount + taxAmount).

        • netTotalAmountinteger (int32)required

          The total amount excluding VAT (unitPrice * quantity).

      • reservationIdstring (uuid)required

        A unique identifier (UUID) for the reservation that can help in diagnostics.

      • amountobjectrequired

        The amount of the charge.

        • amountinteger (int32)required

          The amount, for example 10000.

        • currencystringrequired

          The currency, for example 'SEK'.



        "id": "02a8000060923bcb6937598058c4e77a",
        "merchantId": 100017120,
        "timestamp": "2021-05-05T08:31:39.2481+02:00",
        "event": "payment.charge.failed",
        "data": {
            "error": {
                "code": "99",
                "message": "Auth Fin Failure",
                "source": "Internal"
            "chargeId": "02a8000060923bcb6937598058c4e77a",
            "orderItems": [
                    "reference": "Sneaky NE2816-82",
                    "name": "Sneaky",
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "unit": "pcs",
                    "unitPrice": 2500,
                    "taxRate": 1000,
                    "taxAmount": 500,
                    "netTotalAmount": 5000,
                    "grossTotalAmount": 5500
            "reservationId": "0527cb1dc5d14491824644a84d5ccf69",
            "amount": {
                "amount": 5500,
                "currency": "SEK"
            "paymentId": "029b000060923a766937598058c4e6fa"

    Refund initiated

    The payment.refund.initiated event is triggered when a refund has been initiated.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantNumberintegerrequired

      The merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case payment.refund.initiated.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier

      • refundIdstringrequired

        A unique identifier of this refund.

      • chargeIdstringrequired

        The charge identifier.

      • amountobjectrequired

        The amount of the refund.

        • amountinteger (int32)required

          The amount, for example 10000.

        • currencystringrequired

          The currency, for example 'SEK'.



        "id": "00fb000060923e006937598058c4e7f3",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-05T08:41:04.6081+02:00",
        "merchantNumber": 100017120,
        "event": "payment.refund.initiated",
        "data": {
            "refundId": "00fb000060923e006937598058c4e7f3",
            "chargeId": "0107000060923dde6937598058c4e7ee",
            "amount": {
                "amount": 5500,
                "currency": "SEK"
            "paymentId": "012b000060923cf26937598058c4e7e6"

    Refund completed

    The payment.refund.completed event is triggered when a refund has successfully been completed.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdintegerrequired

      The merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case payment.refund.completed.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier

      • refundIdstringrequired

        A unique identifier of this refund.

      • amountobjectrequired

        The amount of the refund.

        • amountinteger (int32)required

          The amount, for example 10000.

        • currencystringrequired

          The currency, for example 'SEK'.

      • invoiceDetailsobjectoptional
        • distributionTypestringrequired

          The type of distribution, for example 'Email'.

        • invoiceDueDatestringrequired

          The due date of the invoice.

        • invoiceNumberstringrequired

          The invoice number.



        "id": "458a4e068f454f768a40b9e576914820",
        "merchantId": 100017120,
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:08:16.6623+02:00",
        "event": "payment.refund.completed",
        "data": {
            "refundId": "00fb000060923e006937598058c4e7f3",
                "distributionType": "Email",
                "invoiceDueDate": "2021-01-01T00:00:00",
                "invoiceNumber": "800328091K1"
            "amount": {
                "amount": 5500,
                "currency": "SEK"
            "paymentId": "012b000060923cf26937598058c4e7e6"

    Refund failed

    The payment.refund.failed event is triggered when a refund attempt has failed.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdintegerrequired

      The merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case payment.refund.failed.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier

      • refundIdstringrequired

        A unique identifier of this refund.

      • errorobjectrequired

        Contains information about an error (client error or server error).

        • messagestringoptional

          An internal error message. This message is not meant to be presented to the customer. Instead, this message can be logged and used for debugging purposes.

        • codestringoptional

          A numeric error code to be used for debugging purposes.

        • sourcestringoptional

          The source of the error, for example: 'internal'.

      • amountobjectrequired

        The amount of the refund.

        • amountinteger (int32)required

          The amount, for example 10000.

        • currencystringrequired

          The currency, for example 'SEK'.

      • invoiceDetailsobjectoptional
        • distributionTypestringrequired

          The type of distribution, for example 'Email'.

        • invoiceDueDatestringrequired

          The due date of the invoice.

        • invoiceNumberstringrequired

          The invoice number.



        "id": "458a4e068f454f768a40b9e576914820",
        "merchantId": 100017120,
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:08:16.6623+02:00",
        "event": "payment.refund.failed",
        "data": {
            "error": {
                "code": "25",
                "message": "Some error message",
                "source": "Internal"
            "refundId": "00fb000060923e006937598058c4e7f3",
            "amount": {
                "amount": 5500,
                "currency": "SEK"
            "paymentId": "012b000060923cf26937598058c4e7e6"

    Onboarding events

    The following table lists all events that can be subscribed to using the Boarding API:

    Event nameDescription
    onboarding.initiatedThe onboarding application has been initiated and can be edited and submitted.
    onboarding.awating_signatureThe onboarding application has been submitted and is in the signing process.
    onboarding.signature_failedThe signing process failed for one or more reasons.
    onboarding.processingThe onboarding application has been signed by the merchant and is in the review process.
    onboarding.approvedThe onboarding application has been approved.
    onboarding.abandonedThe onboarding application has been abandoned, either because signing failed or an application was rejected.


    The onboarding.initiated event is triggered when an onboarding application has been initiated. After this event has triggered, the application can be edited and submitted.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdstringrequired

      The merchant identifier (a UUID).

    • merchantNumberintegeroptional

      The numerical merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case onboarding.initated.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • onboardingIdintegerrequired

        The numeric identifier of the onboarding application.

      • statusstringrequired
      • reasonstringoptional

        This field is only returned when the signing has failed. Possible values are: 'failed', 'expired', 'cancelled'.



        "id": "fd70g9f82f9f423fa5f776092ee673c9",
        "merchantId": "1064fa1e9cc44029ae0480e107cbd32b",
        "merchantNumber": 12345,
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:33:33.5969+02:00",
        "event": "onboarding.initated",
        "data": {
            "onboardingId": 6259,
            "status": "INITIATED"

    Awaiting signature

    The onboarding.awaiting_signature event is triggered when an onboarding application has been submitted and is in the signing process.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdstringrequired

      The merchant identifier (a UUID).

    • merchantNumberintegeroptional

      The numerical merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case onboarding.awaiting_signature.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • onboardingIdintegerrequired

        The numeric identifier of the onboarding application.

      • statusstringrequired
      • reasonstringoptional

        This field is only returned when the signing has failed. Possible values are: 'failed', 'expired', 'cancelled'.



        "id": "fd70g9f82f9f423fa5f776092ee673c9",
        "merchantId": "1064fa1e9cc44029ae0480e107cbd32b",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:33:33.5969+02:00",
        "event": "onboarding.awaiting_signature",
        "data": {
            "onboardingId": 6259,
            "status": "AWAITING_SIGNATURE"

    Signature failed

    The onboarding.signature_failed event is triggered when the signing process failed for or many reasons. See the property data.reason below.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdstringrequired

      The merchant identifier (a UUID).

    • merchantNumberintegeroptional

      The numerical merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at whitch the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case onboarding.signature_failed.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • onboardingIdintegerrequired

        The numeric identifier of the onboarding application.

      • statusstringrequired

        The current status of the onboarding process, in this case 'SIGNATURE_FAILED'.

      • reasonstringoptional

        This field is only returned when the signing has failed. Possible values are: 'failed', 'expired', 'cancelled'.



        "id": "fd70g9f82f9f423fa5f776092ee673c9",
        "merchantId": "1064fa1e9cc44029ae0480e107cbd32b",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-05T11:33:33.5969Z",
        "event": "onboarding.SIGNATURE_FAILED",
        "data": {
            "onboardingId": 6259,
            "status": "SIGNATURE_FAILED",
            "reason": "expired"


    The onboarding.processing event is triggered when an onboarding application has been signed by the merchant and is in the review process.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdstringrequired

      The merchant identifier (a UUID).

    • merchantNumberintegeroptional

      The numerical merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case onboarding.processing.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • onboardingIdintegerrequired

        The numeric identifier of the onboarding application.

      • statusstringrequired

        The current status of the onboarding process, in this case 'PROCESSING'.

      • reasonstringoptional

        This field is only returned when the signing has failed. Possible values are: 'failed', 'expired', 'cancelled'.



        "id": "fd70g9f82f9f423fa5f776092ee673c9",
        "merchantId": "1064fa1e9cc44029ae0480e107cbd32b",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:33:33.5969+02:00",
        "event": "onboarding.processing",
        "data": {
            "onboardingId": 6259,
            "status": "PROCESSING"


    The onboarding.approved event is triggered when an onboarding application has been approved.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdstringrequired

      The merchant identifier (a UUID).

    • merchantNumberintegeroptional

      The numerical merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case onboarding.approved.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • onboardingIdintegerrequired

        The numeric identifier of the onboarding application.

      • statusstringrequired
      • reasonstringoptional

        This field is only returned when the signing has failed. Possible values are: 'failed', 'expired', 'cancelled'.



        "id": "fd70g9f82f9f423fa5f776092ee673c9",
        "merchantId": "1064fa1e9cc44029ae0480e107cbd32b",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:33:33.5969+02:00",
        "event": "onboarding.approved",
        "data": {
            "onboardingId": 6259,
            "status": "APPROVED"


    The onboarding.abandoned event is triggered when an onboarding application has been abandoned, either because signing failed or an application was rejected.


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantIdstringrequired

      The merchant identifier (a UUID).

    • merchantNumberintegeroptional

      The numerical merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case onboarding.initated.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • onboardingIdintegerrequired

        The numeric identifier of the onboarding application.

      • statusstringrequired
      • reasonstringoptional

        This field is only returned when the signing has failed. Possible values are: 'failed', 'expired', 'cancelled'.



        "id": "fd70g9f82f9f423fa5f776092ee673c9",
        "merchantId": "1064fa1e9cc44029ae0480e107cbd32b",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:33:33.5969+02:00",
        "event": "onboarding.abandoned",
        "data": {
            "onboardingId": 6259,
            "status": "ABANDONED"

    Reservation created

    The payment.reservation.created is an alternative to payment.reservation.created.v2. It is triggered when the amount of the payment has been reserved. But it contains more values, for instance data.cardDetails.threeDSecure.eci)


    • idstringrequired

      A unique identifier of this event. You can use this identifier to detect whether this event is new or has already been handled by you.

    • merchantNumberintegerrequired

      The merchant number.

    • timestampstringrequired

      The time at which the event occurred formatted according to RFC339, for example 2021-03-23T15:30:55.23Z.

    • eventstringrequired

      The name of the event, in this case payment.reservation.created.

    • dataobjectrequired

      The data associated with this event.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier.

      • subscriptionIdstringoptional

        The subscription identifier.

      • paymentMethodstringrequired

        The payment method, for example 'Visa' or 'Mastercard'.

      • paymentTypestringrequired

        The type of payment. Possible values are: 'CARD', 'INVOICE', 'A2A', 'INSTALLMENT', 'WALLET', and 'PREPAID-INVOICE'.

      • amountobjectrequired

        The amount of the reservation.

        • amountinteger (int32)required

          The amount, for example 10000.

        • currencystringrequired

          The currency, for example 'SEK'.



        "id": "c25459e92ba54be1925493f987fb05a7",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-04T22:09:08.4342+02:00",
        "merchantNumber": 100017120,
        "event": "payment.reservation.created.v2",
        "data": {
            "paymentMethod": "Visa",
            "paymentType": "CARD",
            "amount": {
                "amount": 5500,
                "currency": "SEK"
            "paymentId": "02a900006091a9a96937598058c4e474"

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