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    Checkout JS SDK

    The Checkout JavaScript SDK is a frontend library provided by Nexi Group. It defines a Checkout object that dynamically builds a checkout page when embedding Nexi Checkout on your website. The Checkout object also handles the communication between the frontend of your site and Checkout server APIs. The script checkout.js should be loaded from the following URLs:

    EnvironmentJavaScript URL



    Constructs a new Checkout object.

    During construction, the Checkout object communicates with Nexi Checkout server APIs and also adds an iframe which embeds a checkout page. The container element on your site in which the iframe is added to, is specified when creating the payment object using the Payment API (backend).

    Please note:

    • You should not add the iframe yourself. The iframe is added by the Checkout object inside your container element.
    • The container element cannot be located in a shadow DOM during the initialization of the checkout.
    • The container element for the iframe must not be embedded in another iframe.
    • Please make sure to allow to get the paymentId from the response URLs query string when initiating the Checkout, as shown here.
    var checkout = new Dibs.Checkout(checkoutOptions);


    • checkoutOptionsobjectrequired

      You are required to pass parameters for identifying your site and the ongoing payment session. Optionally, you can provide parameters that affect the UI of the checkout page.

      • checkoutKeystringrequired

        Identifies your site (webshop), see integration keys

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The paymentId token that identifies the ongoing payment session. The paymentId is returned from the Payment API when creating a new payment object from the backend of your site. See Payment API

      • partnerMerchantNumberstringoptional

        The identifier of a merchant that can be used by a Nexi Group partner managing multiple merchants.

      • containerIdstringoptional

        ID of the DOM element on your site where the iframe will be loaded. Defaults to dibs-checkout-content if not specified.The container element cannot be located in a shadow DOM during the checkout initialization.

      • languagestringoptional

        Language used on the checkout page. Defaults to en-GB if not specified. See the list of supported languages.

      • themeobjectoptional

        A dictionary that specifies UI properties such as colors, fonts, and button styles.

        • textColorstringoptional

          Affects all text except links. Panel text can be overridden separately.

        • primaryColorstringoptional

          Affects the pay button, default button outlines, and radio buttons.

        • linkColorstringoptional

          Color to be used for links. Links with text can be overridden separately.

        • backgroundColorstringoptional

          Background color. Any CSS color.

        • fontFamilystringoptional

          Any Google font. String, default 'Roboto'

        • placeholderColorstringoptional

          Placeholder color. Any CSS color.

        • outlineColorstringoptional

          Color of the outline and separation lines for panels.

        • primaryOutlineColorstringoptional

          Border color for radio buttons and checkboxes.

        • panelColorstringoptional

          Panel color. Any CSS color.

        • panelTextColorstringoptional

          Text color within the panel.

        • panelLinkColorstringoptional

          Link color within the panel.

        • buttonRadiusnumberoptional

          Radius of the buttons, default 0.

        • buttonTextColorstringoptional

          Text color for all buttons. Any CSS color.

        • buttonFontWeightmixedoptional

          Font weight for buttons. Number (for example '500') or string (for example 'bold').

        • buttonFontStylestringoptional

          Font style such as 'italic' and 'oblique'. Default value is 'normal'.

        • buttonTextTransformstringoptional

          Text transform. String, default 'none'.

        • useLightIconsbooleanoptional

          Use light icons for dark background, default false.


    The following example embeds a checkout iframe in the DOM element on your site with id 'checkout-container-div'. The display language is set to English and buttons will have slightly rounded corners:

    Example: Construct checkout object

    var checkoutOptions = {
        checkoutKey: "test-checkout-key-003345054979023400345",
        paymentId : "8b464458f2524bc39fe5d31deb8bedc1",
        containerId : "checkout-container-div",
        language: "en-GB",
        theme: {
            buttonRadius: "5px"
    var checkout = new Dibs.Checkout(checkoutOptions);


    The Checkout object contains the following methods.


    Changes the display language on an active checkout session.



    • languagestringrequired

      A string specifying the language. See the list of supported language.


    Changes the UI theme on an active checkout session. You can use this method to specify UI properties such as colors, fonts, and button styles. Note that this method has no effect if you have defined a custom theme in the Checkout Portal Checkout styler.



    • themeobjectrequired

      A dictionary that specifies UI properties such as colors, fonts, and button styles.

      • textColorstringoptional

        Affects all text except links. Panel text can be overridden separately.

      • primaryColorstringoptional

        Affects the pay button, default button outlines, and radio buttons.

      • linkColorstringoptional

        Color to be used for links. Links with text can be overridden separately.

      • backgroundColorstringoptional

        Background color. Any CSS color.

      • fontFamilystringoptional

        Any Google font. String, default 'Roboto'

      • placeholderColorstringoptional

        Placeholder color. Any CSS color.

      • outlineColorstringoptional

        Color of the outline and separation lines for panels.

      • primaryOutlineColorstringoptional

        Border color for radio buttons and checkboxes.

      • panelColorstringoptional

        Panel color. Any CSS color.

      • panelTextColorstringoptional

        Text color within the panel.

      • panelLinkColorstringoptional

        Link color within the panel.

      • buttonRadiusnumberoptional

        Radius of the buttons, default 0.

      • buttonbackgroundColorstringoptional

        Background color for all buttons. Any CSS color.

      • buttonTextColorstringoptional

        Text color for all buttons. Any CSS color.

      • buttonFontWeightmixedoptional

        Font weight for buttons. Number (for example '500') or string (for example 'bold').

      • buttonFontStylestringoptional

        Font style such as 'italic' and 'oblique'. Default value is 'normal'.

      • buttonTextTransformstringoptional

        Text transform. String, default 'none'.

      • useLightIconsbooleanoptional

        Use light icons for dark background, default false.


    Sends an event with a name that will be triggered within the checkout. Currently, the only event supported is 'payment-order-finalized', where the value should be a boolean set to true. This event continues the pay flow.

    checkout.send(eventName, value);


    • eventNamestringrequired

      A string identifying the event to be sent. Currently, the only supported event is: 'payment-order-finalized'

    • valueanyoptional

      An optional value associated with the event. Type depends on the event.


    An example of usage for the event 'payment-order-finalized' is when you listen to the event 'pay-initialized'. By listening to this event, the checkout flow will not proceed the payment when your customer clicks pay unless you send the 'payment-order-finalized' event.

    Example: Proceed checkout flow

    checkout.on('pay-initialized', function(response) {
      // Complete the desired operations such as update payment
      // ...
      checkout.send('payment-order-finalized', true);

    When this code snippet is run, the Checkout object will continue the payment flow.


    Temporarily freezes (pauses) the checkout by disabling the payment button. Call this method before updating the order items of an active checkout session. Once the order items have been updated, you should resume the checkout session by calling thawCheckout().



    Resumes a frozen checkout and triggers a reloading of the payment information. If this method is invoked after the order items has been updated, the amount will also be updated to the correct amount.



    Removes all event listeners.



    This section describes the checkout events that you can listen for and handle programmatically. Attach your event handler functions by using using the Checkout.on() method.

    checkout.on(event_name, event_handler);

    The event_name parameter is the name of the event. The event_handler parameter is a function that will be called when the event is triggered. The event_hander function is always passed a single object. The properties of this parameter object varies depending on the event that has been triggered. The properties of each parameter object are documented under each event below.


    Triggers when your customer clicks the pay button.

    checkout.on('pay-initialized', function(paymentId) {});


    • paymentIdstringrequired

      The payment identifier


    The following example attaches an event handler that will be called whenever the 'pay-initialized' event is triggered.

    Example: Attach event handler

    checkout.on('pay-initialized', function(paymentId) {
      // Complete the desired operations such as update payment
      // ...
      checkout.send('payment-order-finalized', true);


    Triggers after a successful payment. This is the event that you should listen to in order to redirect your customer to a "Payment Success" page.

    checkout.on('payment-completed', function(response) {});


    • responseobjectrequired

      The event handler parameter.

      • paymentIdstringrequired

        The payment identifier.


    Example: Redirect after payment completed

    checkout.on('payment-completed', function(response) {
      var paymentId = response['paymentId'];
      // Register a successful payment in your DB using the paymentId
      // ...
      // Redirect your customer to a "Payment success" page
      window.location = '/PaymentSuccessful';


    Triggers whenever your customer updates address information. This is the event that you should listen to in order to update shipping cost based on your customer's location.

    checkout.on('address-changed', function(address) {});


    • addressobjectrequired

      The updated address of the customer.


    This example demonstrates how to update shipping cost whenever the customer updates the address.

    Example: Update shipping cost

    checkout.on('address-changed', function(address) { 
      if (address) {                // Address has changed
        checkout.freezeCheckout();  // Freeze checkout while updating shipping cost
        var zip = address.postalCode;
        var country = address.countryCode;
        calculateShippingCost(zip, country).then(function(response) {
          // Call "update cart" method on the Payment API 
          // with the updated shipping cost.
          // ...
          checkout.thawCheckout();  // Resume checkout


    Triggers whenever your customer updates contact information. This is the event that you should listen to in order to update shipping cost based on your customer's location.

    checkout.on('applepay-contact-updated', function(address) {});



    This example demonstrates how to update shipping cost whenever the customer updates the address.

    Example: Update shipping cost

    checkout.on('applepay-contact-updated', function(address) {
    if (address) {                // Address has changed
      var zip = address.postalCode;
      var country = address.countryCode;
      calculateShippingCost(zip, country).then(function(response) {
          // Call "update cart" method on the Nexi Payment API
          // with the updated shipping cost.
          // ...
          // Wait for "update cart" on the Nexi Payment API to succeed.
          // Get the new shipping cost from the response
          const newTotalAmount = response.newTotalAmount;
          // Call the method to update the Apple payment sheet with new amount

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