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    Lookup service

    TAP Lookup Service facilitates CRUD (Create, read, update and delete) operations for merchant agreement setup to associate a merchant Id with the supported third party Payment Service Providers.

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    Update agreement mapping

    DELETE /ms/map/identifier/delete/from/{fromType}/{fromId}/to/{toType}

    This operation allows to enables OR disables OR hard delete agreement mappings for a given MerchantId.


    • Authorizationstringrequired

      Bearer Base64(consumer-key:consumer-secret)

    • fromTypestringrequired

      This is the Payment Service Providers (PSP) name

    • fromIdstringrequired

      The MerchantId.

    • toTypestringrequired

      The Agreement id/key linked with the merchant: i.e SWISH_ID for swish, KLARNA_MERCHANT_ID/KLARNA_PASSWORD for KLARNA, SANTANDER_MERCHANT_ID for SANTANDER etc

    • hardDeletebooleanoptional

      hardDelete flag. Must be set to true to delete the Agreement id/key

    • enabledDisabledstringoptional

      boolean enabledDisabled to enable/disable

    • userIdstringrequired

      userId to identify caller of the API.

    Update agreement mapping

    var client = new RestClient("{fromType}/%7BfromId%7D/to/%7BtoType%7D?hardDelete=SOME_BOOLEAN_VALUE&enabledDisabled=SOME_STRING_VALUE&userId=SOME_STRING_VALUE");
    var request = new RestRequest(Method.DELETE);
    request.AddHeader("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE");
    IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);


    • 204No content.optional
    • 409Entry is marked for deletion.optional
    • 500optional
      The server experienced a runtime exception while processing the request. Try again later.

    Create/Edit agreement mapping

    POST /ms/map/identifier/create

    This operation creates OR edits agreement mappings for a given owner/merchantId to be associate with a supported PSP.


    • Authorizationstringrequired

      Bearer Base64(consumer-key:consumer-secret)

    Create/Edit agreement mapping

    var client = new RestClient("");
    var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
    request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json");
    request.AddHeader("Authorization", "SOME_STRING_VALUE");
    request.AddParameter("application/json", "{\"REPLACE_REQUEST_BODY\":\"REPLACE_REQUEST_BODY\"}", ParameterType.RequestBody);
    IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

    Request body

    • userIdstringrequired

      Created by to identify caller of the API

    • agreementLineDtoarrayrequired

      List of AgreementLineDto representing different Agreement id/keys to be mapped for a specific PSP agreement with the merchant

      • lineFromTypestringrequired

        This is the PSP name i.e. SWISH_E_COM/KLARNA/SANTANDER/EASY etc.

      • lineFromIdstringrequired

        The Merchant id to be linked with agreement.

      • lineToTypestringrequired

        The Agreement id/key to be linked with agreement i.e SWISH_ID for swish, KLARNA_MERCHANT_ID/KLARNA_PASSWORD for KLARNA, SANTANDER_MERCHANT_ID for SANTANDER etc.

      • lineToIdstringrequired

        The value against the Agreement Id/key.

      • lineIsEncryptbooleanoptional

        The value to be sent as true for passwords e.g. KLARNA_PASSWORD. Service will encrypt the value before persisting

    Request body

        "userId": "string",
        "agreementLineDto": [
                "lineFromType": "string",
                "lineFromId": "string",
                "lineToType": "string",
                "lineToId": "string",
                "lineIsEncrypt": true


    • 201Created OK.optional
    • 400optional
      The server did not understand or could not validate the input parameters.
    • 409Entry is marked for deletion.optional
    • 500optional
      The server experienced a runtime exception while processing the request. Try again later.