Error Codes
This section provides the overview of the error codes. The following list shows the most important error codes and their meaning.
Code | Description |
PS0000 | Generic API error |
PS0001 | Cancel Operation not allowed for PAYPAL APM |
PS0002 | Can cancel the operation only in the same day it's performed |
PS0004 | Error during card-verification |
PS0005 | Invalid installment amount. The sum must be lower or equals to order amount |
PS0006 | Invalid installment date. The date must be in ISO8601 format and should not be on the past |
PS0007 | PaymentSession amount must be lower or equal to order amount |
PS0008 | Invalid requested %s date. The date must be in ISO8601 format |
PS0009 | Invalid requested currency |
PS0010 | Invalid requested %s date. The date must be in ISO8601 format |
PS0011 | Invalid provided time. Its format must be 'HH:mm'. EXAMPLE: 10:22 |
PS0012 | Invalid provided time. Dates from/to are incorrect. |
PS0013 | Invalid provided date %s. Dates from/to are incorrect. |
PS0017 | Invalid contractid |
PS0018 | Error occured during retrieve contract by customer |
PS0022 | An already voided operation can't be captured |
PS0023 | An already executed operation can't be captured |
PS0024 | An already refunded operation can't be captured |
PS0025 | The idempotency key is wrong or missing in the request. |
PS0025 | Idempotency error - incorrect URL |
PS0026 | Invalid %s parameter |
PS0027 | Operation already refunded |
PS0028 | Operation already voided |
PS0029 | The refundable amount must be equal or lower than the captured amount |
PS0032 | Generic Paypal Void Error |
PS0033 | Generic Paypal Refund Error |
PS0034 | Generic Paypal Capture Error |
PS0035 | Generic Json Processing Error |
PS0036 | Invalid provided order amount. It must be numeric |
PS0040 | TenantId, MerchantId and TerminalId not found in JWT or Header Parameter |
PS0041 | Embedded javascript is forbidden! |
PS0042 | Error during paybylink validation |
PS0043 | Error occurred during MIT invocation |
PS0044 | Error while the link is being deleted |
PS0045 | PaymentLink cannot be deleted because it has already been used |
PS0051 | Error during payment_method invocation. Terminal not found |
PS0052 | Invalid terminal id. Terminal not found |
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