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    Add merchants

    This section shows how you add merchants to the TAP service.

    Before you start

    To be able to add merchants, you need to have your clientId, your clientSecret and your prefix value. Please contact our customer support, if you don't have these yet.

    You also must have generated an access token, using your clientId and your clientSecret.

    Add merchants

    To add merchants to the TAP service, you need to use the TAP Administration services API.

    TAP admin API base url (test environment):

    Please include your access token to all your requests as a header parameter.

    Add merchant

    curl --request POST \
      --url '' \
      --header 'Authorization: {Your access token}' \
      --header 'content-type: application/json' \

    Add merchant - payload

    With the add merchant call, you send the request body.

    Below is an example:

    Add merchant - request body

        "merchantId" : "string, defined by you",
        "prefix" : "the prefix you've received with your welcome email",
        "name" : "string, name of the merchant, defined by you",

    The example above shows the required values for the add merchant call to work.

    Please note:

    • merchantId - Can be defined by you. The field is limited to 255 alphanumeric characters. The merchantId is used for future references and should be unique.

    • prefix- the prefix you've recieved with your welcome email.

    • name - the name of the merchant you want to add

    • createdBy - you can freely enter an internal reference to who has made that request - but it must not be empty.

    Please refer to our API reference, to learn about additional, optional parameters.

    Get the MerchantId - response to add merchant call

    If sucessful, you should receive a response like this:

    Add merchant - response

      "id": "string = merchantID“

    The response contains the id key. This value is used to refer to the specific merchant, and must be part of all future requests related to that merchant. From now on, we are going to refer to this id as the merchantId.


    Now that you have received the id (merchantId) you can send the following requests:

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