PayEngine - Credit Cards
Credit Cards
To process Credit cards you need a credit card acceptance agreement with us. Get your offer.
We support the following brands:
According to your PCI security level we offer three options to process credit cards:
- Widget Solution – SAQ-A low security level / low flexibility
- Bridge Solution – SAQ-A / SAQ-AEP medium security level / medium flexibility
- API direct – SAQ-D high security level / full flexibility
Test your integration with our simulator here. Read more about PCI security levels here.
Visa requirements
Visa has made a requirement for eCommerce transactions only, to receive the following details as mandatory in transaction requests:
- Browser IP Address (already included in our widget scripts)
- Browser Screen Height (already included in our widget scripts)
- Browser Screen width (already included in our widget scripts)
- Cardholder name (already included in our widget scripts)
- Cardholder E-mail address or
- Cardholder Phone number
As it is more likely that the consumer leaves their e-mail address during the order, we will request this value in the checkout flow instead of the phone number.
If a merchant already submits the e-mail address in the transaction request, in the customer element, we will use this value and display it in the e-mail address field in our widget so the cardholder doesn't need to re-enter their data.
If the e-mail address is not submitted, we will display the Email field in the widget as a mandatory field:

Above requirements are only applicable for the Modal and Inline widget solutions.
Please be aware that Visa will not use the submitted e-mail address for any communication towards consumers, it will be forwarded to the issuer for fraud screening/risk metrics purposes.
More information about this requirement can be found in this document from Visa: