The Merchant Center provides reconciliation and settlement files for different transactions. When a transaction is settled the corresponding data becomes available in a merchant downloadable csv file.
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- Settlement Files
Navigation of Settlements
Settlement files can be found under the "Settlements" section of the Merchant Center.

Credit Card Settlements
Credit Card Settlements files are in .csv format and contain detailed information for each transaction.

SEPA Settlements
General The SEPA settlement files are generated once on 4. of the month and are available :
- via API (GET /settlements/download)
- via Merchant Center
File Format
The generated settlement file is in a semi-colon separated values .csv format. The decimal separation is a point.
File name
[dd.MM.yyyy]_payengine_SST.csv e.g. 28.09.2018.csv_payengine_SST.csv
SEPA settlement file example
merchantID;trx-type;createdAt;settledAt;chargebackDate;initialAmount;currency;transactionId;orderId;merchantOrderId;referenceID Merchant-33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333;retail;11.09.2018;11.08.2018;;0.2;EUR;transaction_cizo4enzcx;Order-841efcd2-2581-4b20-b0f2-52e67cf16f97;1536672478;055ca058b48243d0aa9ec4d155617dd6 Merchant-33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333;retail;11.08.2018;11.08.2018;;1.0;EUR;transaction_z8ll1wotsn;Order-f72a31b7-e514-4137-a187-d1b64b46f9e6;1536674203;1d254c1d292e466c81a7eb6c548188ee
You can find more information about fields in SEPA settlement file in folowing table:
Name | Description | Example |
merchantId | The Payengine merchant id | Merchant-000cf2c9-66fe-4730-ac9e-674f7c552d36 |
trxType | The type of record included in a report. Allowed values: {retail, refund, chargeback} | chargeback |
createdAt | The timestamp indicating when the capture was received by Concardis. Format: DD.MM.YYYY. | 28.09.2017 |
settledAt | The timestamp indicating when the payout from concardis to the merchant was initializedFormat: DD.MM.YYYY | 28.09.2017 |
chargebackDate | Date on which the chargeback is settled in the Payengine system. Format: DD.MM.YYYY | 28.09.2017 |
initialAmount | Retail amount | 20.45 |
currency | Retail currency | EUR |
transactionId | The Payengine transaction id | transaction_pwff2milt7 |
orderIdD | The Payengine order id | pf3lseokll |
merchantOrderId | The merchant order id | KB1234 |
referenceId | EndToEndId of the SEPA transfer to the merchant. One settlement file could contain more than one referenceID depending on the number of the payouts which were carried out in the time period which is covered by the settlement reporty | e.g. 20 positions in one file will be with the same referenceID |