Single Order
Integration via Widget (modal/inline)
MandateId Management: The PayEngine generates and displays the mandateId in the Widget automatically.
Integration via API
MandateId Management: The integrator generates the mandateId following the + pattern, for example, 1234567+1, and the rules below:
must be unique for single payments.- Recurring payments use the same unique mandateId
- The
must be a string of length in the range from 1 to 35, containing only alphanumerics. - The generated
must be displayed in the mandate text where the customer should agree to.
Step 1: Create debit and create preauth + capture
Create Debit
should be set to SINGLE.
In a Debit transaction, the full amount is charged immediately, and the funds are transferred from your customer bank account to your bank account.
When the debit is processed successfully, the customer receives a SEPA prenotification email from PayEngine.

Single Debit request
{ "product": "sepa", "merchantOrderId": "merchantOrderId1562586687", "description": "description 1562586687",
Single Debit response
{ "createdAt": 1562586771685, "modifiedAt": 1562586771702, "merchantId": "merchant_6tip2uyttl",
Create preauth + capture
directDebitType to __SINGLE__
does not charge the full amount immediately, but is usually followed by a partial or full capture to trigger the charge of the full or the partial amount.
After a successfully processed capture, the customer receives a SEPA prenotification email from PayEngine.

Step 2: Prenotification
Prenotification ("Pre-Notification") is any notification, (for example - an invoice, policy, a contract) of the direct debit recipient to the payer, which announces a debit via SEPA direct debit. The preliminary information must contain the due date and the exact amount and can announce several direct debits. It must be sent to the payer within due time (at least 14 calendar days before the due date, unless a different period has been agreed with the payer) before the due date, so that the payer can adjust to the account balance and provide adequate cover. The manner in which the preliminary information can be given results from the regulations of the respective debt collection agreement between the payer and the payment service provider.
NOTE Payengine is sending out the prenotifictaion email to the customer.
SEPA prenotification template
"Dies ist eine automatisch generierte E-Mail. Neue SEPA-Lastschriftvorankündigung Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde,
Step 3: Reconciliation
For SEPA Direct Debit payments, the funds are not immediately available. A charge, created from a SEPA direct debit source, may remain in an intermediate state for several days from the time of its creation. Once the charge is confirmed, the status of the debit or capture is updated to success.
- When does the merchant get a SEPA direct debit fund?
- Default approximately 9 days (depending on the contract may vary) after the SEPA Direct debit is triggered
- How to reconcile a payment?
- Use PayEngine SEPA Direct Debit settlement file
- There is one record per transaction in the settlement file.
- Every record reference to the collective bank transfer (e.g the merchant had 10 transactions on a specific day and all have the same reference).
There is one collective record per day, which covers the whole payout amount.
- Use the PayEngine notifications.
- Subscription via the PayEngine API (API Notifications Documentation).
- Subscribtion via the PayEngine Merchant Center (Merchant Center Notifications Documentation).
The following events are sent when the charge status is changed:
Event | Description |
debit.success | The charge succeeded and the payment is complete. |
preauth.success | The payment is requested. A capture triggers the debit from the customer account |
capture.success | The charge succeeded and the payment is complete. |
chargeback.booked | The charge has failed or the customer canceled the SEPA Direct Debit |
- What is the bank transfer purpose text on the merchant bank statement?
- The money will be transferred to the merchant bank account in a collective transfer and the follow purpose text will appear at the bank statement: - dd.MM.yyyy (from date) - dd.MM.yyyy (until date)
- What is the bank transfer purpose text on the customer bank statement?
- The field
will be used as purpose text.
- The field
- When no order.statementDescription is present the following logic will be applied:
is used when it's presentorder.orderId
is used whenorder.merchantOrderId
is not present
For both cases fields merchant.companyName
and merchant.shopUrl
will be added after either order.merchantOrderId
or order.orderId
separated with space.
The max length of the purpose text is 108 characters and it will be cut off if it is longer.
Payment Disruptions
Debit not Possible: The status of the order will change debit.success/capture.success to chargeback.booked.
Тhis situation may occur due to various problems with the client's account (for example, if no funds are available, the account has been blocked, etc.). If this situation occurs, the bank refunds the payment in the form of a dispute.
Customer Cancels SEPA Direct Debit: The status of the order will be changed from debit.success/capture.success to chargeback.booked. Within eight weeks of debiting the account, if the account holder is not satisfied with his purchase, the bank can refund the money, without asking questions. Between eight weeks and thirteen months after the payment has been created, the customer may dispute a payment with their bank only if the customer considers that the debit has not been authorized.
Step 4 (optional): REFUND
To use the refund service of Payengine, configure your bank account connection at the Concardis Merchant Center.