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    Test your integration

    Our simulator is the simplest way to test your integration in our test enviroment. ( You can test positive and negative use cases for different payment methods.

    PayPal, Sofort, PayDirekt

    To get a negative response, use one of the following initial amounts:
    1,11 or 111,11

    To get a positive response, you can use any amount apart from 1,11 and 111,11

    The following error messages will be returned if the order has been rejected:

    For Paydirekt
    providerCode : VALIDATION_ERROR
    merchantMessage: "Error message: ERROR for field: orderAmount"

    For Paypal
    providerCode: "ERROR"
    merchantMessage: "ERROR"


    When using Ratepay as a payment method, you can enter any amount in order to get a positive response.

    To test a negative response, please enter the following data:
    City: Testhausen
    Surname: Ablehnung

    For a negative response, you would receive the following error message:
    providerCode": "300"
    "merchantMessage": "Error" "customerMessage": "Error"


    Negative response for SEPA payment method cannot be replicated via Simulator.
    For getting chargeback transaction status, you need to use one of the following values as initial amount:

    33333 (333,33 €)
    11111 (111,11 €)
    111 (1,11 €)

    Use this IBAN to create a test order:
    VALID_CUSTOMER_IBAN = “DE15111111111111111199";

    Use this IBAN to create a test order for a payout (settlement):

    Credit Card

    To test your credit card integration, the Expiry Date can be any value later than today (eg. 12/99).

    The table blow shows valid PANs:

    VISA Non-3DS 4012001038443335 123
    VISA 3DS 1.0 4149011500000147 123
    VISA 3DS 2.0 - Frictionless Flow 4111111111111111 123
    VISA 3DS 2.0 - Challenge Flow 4000007000000031 123
    Master Card Non-3DS 5399999999999999 123
    Master Card 3DS 1.0 5232569007637831 123
    Master Card 3DS 2.0 - Frictionless Flow 5556011778787485 123
    Master Card 3DS 2.0 - Challenge Flow 2720992593319364 123
    American Express Non-SafeKey 374111111111111 123

    Example scenarios

    Without 3DS:

    Scenario: MoTo credit card transaction without 3DS with amount of 1,00€
    A new MoTo transaction with amount of 1,00€ will result in success.

    Scenario: MoTo credit card transaction without 3DS with amount of 1,11€
    A new MoTo transaction with amount of 1,11€ will result in failure.

    Scenario: Ecom credit card transaction without 3DS with amount of 1,00€
    Given customer has opened the PP with total amount of 1,00€ When customer enters all values for credit card transaction, the transaction will result in success.

    Scenario: Ecom credit card transaction without 3DS with amount of 1,11€
    Given customer has opened the PP with total amount of 1,11€ When customer enters all values for credit card transaction, that transaction will result in failure.

    With 3DS:

    Scenario: Check Ecom credit card transaction with 3DS with amount of 1,00€

    Given customer has opened the PP with total amount of 1,00€ When customer enters all values for credit card transaction, he will be redirected to the input form of the Issuer to enter his 3DS Code. If the entered Code was correct, then that transaction will result in success. If that entered Code was incorrect, the transaction will result in failure.

    Scenario: Check Ecom credit card transaction with 3DS with amount of 1,11€

    Given customer has opened the PP with total amount of 1,11€ When customer enters all values for credit card transaction, he will then be redirected to the input form of the Issuer to enter his 3DS Code. If that entered Code was correct, then that transaction will result in failure. If the entered Code was incorrect, then that transaction will result in failure.

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