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    Test invoice & installment processing

    This guide describes how to test invoice and installment processing on your checkout page.

    Complexity: Low
    Coding: None

    Before you start

    Before you start, you need a checkout page that uses the Checkout test environment.

    How to test

    The Checkout page provides your customers with the option to pay by invoice. To test invoice processing on the checkout page, follow the steps below:

    AfterPay Nordic steps

    1. Navigate to your checkout page
    2. Select "Pay later"
    3. Add one of the PINs from the table below in the field named "Personal identification number".
    4. Enter the Postal code and Address associated with the PNO you selected.
    5. Enter an arbitrary name and phone number
    6. (Conditionally) If strong consumer authentication (SCA) is requested then you are able to use a test BankID using the instructions found here for SEK payments. Make sure to use one of the sample PNO found in the table below.


    Use a small amount in order to avoid having to complete SCA for test purchases.

    Invoice payment

    Sample invoice Nordic addresses

    The following addresses and sample personal identification numbers (PIN) can be used in the test environment when testing invoice payments:

    PNOPostal codeAddressResult
    440424-111114552BruksgatanReservation not approved

    AfterPay DACH steps

    1. Navigate to your checkout page
    2. Select "Pay later"
    3. Enter an arbitrary email
    4. Enter in the test data from either the positive or negative test case tables below: postal code, country code, phone number, first name, last name, address, country, city and date of birth
    5. Accept the terms
    6. Click on the Pay button


    In order to have AfterPay be shown with EUR in the demostore, you have to choose: EasyInvoice, EasyInstallment, EasyCampaign in the Payment Type Filtering payment setting. Read more about this from here. You also need to toggle off MerchantHandlesConsumerData.

    Use a small amount in order to avoid having to complete SCA for test purchases.

    Sample invoice DACH addresses - positive test cases

    First nameLast nameBirthdateStreet nameHouse numberZIPPlaceDifferent delivery addressCountryShipping feePayment feeDiscount
    JohnDoe11/1/1980Gütersloher Str.12333415VerlNoDENoNoNo
    JaneDoe11/1/1980Gütersloher Str.12333415VerlNoDENoNoYes, flat-rate
    JaneDoe11/1/1980Gütersloher Str.12333415VerlNoDEYesNoNo
    JohnDoe11/1/1980Gütersloher Str.12333415VerlYesDENoYesYes, flat-rate
    JaneDoe11/1/1980Gütersloher Str.12333415VerlNoDEYesNoYes, percentage
    JohnDoe11/1/1980Gütersloher Str.12333415VerlNoDEYesNoNo
    JaneDoe11/1/1980Gütersloher Str.12333415VerlYesDENoNoYes, percentage
    JohnDoe11/1/1980Gütersloher Str.12333415VerlYesDENoNoYes, flat-rate

    Sample invoice DACH addresses - negative test cases

    First nameLast nameBirthdateAddressHouse numberZIPPlaceCountryDescription of rejection
    RejectDoe11/1/1980Gütersloher Str.12333415VerlDEThe call is rejected.
    UnderageDoe11/1/2012Gütersloher Str.12333415VerlDEThe call is rejected because the customer is too young to make this purchase.
    80Doe11/1/1980Gütersloher Str.12333415VerlDEPayment-Method not allowed for this customer.
    NotOfficialDoe11/1/1980Gütersloher Str.12333415VerlDEThe call is rejected due to incorrect billing address.
    JohnDoe11/1/1980PackstationNotAllowed12333415VerlDEThe call is rejected because the customer provided the address of a package pickup station / automated package locker, and this is not allowed.
    JohnDoe11/1/1980ShipToBilling12333415VerlDEThe call is rejected because the customer is not allowed to ship the package to an address different from their billing address
    JaneDoe11/1/1980InvalidAddress12333415VerlDEThe call is rejected, because the provided address could not be verified by AfterPay's systems as matching this customer.
    JohnDoe11/1/1980AddressCorrection12333415VerlDEThe call is rejected because the provided address is incorrect or malformed, and the API returns the address that it believes to be correct for this customer.

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