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    Create a Checkout Portal account

    Creating a new Checkout account is the first step when getting started with Checkout.

    Complexity: Low
    Coding: None

    Before you start

    You need a valid email address and a phone number when creating a new account.

    Create a new test account

    In order to test and use Checkout, you need an Checkout Portal account. If you don't already have an account, you can register a new account in a few easy steps:

    1. Register with your your email and phone number at the registration page
    2. Check your inbox and verify your email address
    3. Login to Checkout portal
    Create account

    Creating an account comes at no cost and new accounts are placed in test mode by default. When you have integrated Checkout to your site and are ready to go live, you can apply for a live account within Checkout portal.

    Status of your Checkout account

    Your Checkout account will be in test until it is approved by Nexi Group. Once you have been approved, the status will automatically change to Live.

    You can switch between live and test modus in the Checkout portal. If you change to test modus after you go live, it will only change what you see on the Checkout portal, and it will not affect new payments that are created.

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